Getting Your Life Back On Track - After Taking a Wrong Turn
We’ve all experienced moments in our life when we hear ourselves say “YES” to a job, person or situation we know deep in our heart isn’t right for us. And still we do it. As soon as “yes” leaves our lips somewhere in us we hear a voice that screams “NO! Don’t do it!” but somehow another part of us kicks in and our mind overrules the wisdom of our body and we find ourselves on a path we never intended. Sometimes these wrong turns can be detrimental to our wellbeing. They cause stress and put us in danger of losing ourselves indefinitely. Other times we immediately realize our “yes” has led to an “o-oh” and we decide right then and there to go back to the beginning and start again. Either way, when you find yourself in a sticky situation, only you have the power to declare you took a wrong turn and only you can decide when it’s time to get back on track. These tips may help. Be honest with yourself. Admit, as quickly as possible, you made a choice that led you down the wrong path. ...