Persistence a key to unlock success

Look up. See that light bulb? Let that single light bulb teach you one of the greatest lessons in life.    
You’ve probably heard of Thomas A. Edison. He invented the incandescent bulb. His invention revolutionized the lighting technology that people get to enjoy everyday. 
In fact, if it weren’t for his invention, you might still be struggling with candles to light your home. If it were not for his persistence, you might still be groping in the dark. Because Edison persisted, people are enjoying the fruits of his hardship. Hardship might be an understatement to describe the circumstances that he endured to come up with his invention. 
Casting aside his successful invention, did you know that he faced twelve hundred failures before he found the right material for his invention? Yes, you read it right -- twelve hundred failures! Despite these failures, he persisted!  Had he stopped and given up on any of his attempts, he would have been a topnotch quitter.
Thomas Edison’s story brings a lesson in persistence. Numerous failures did not stop him. Quitting wasn't an option. One failure after another, he kept on persisting until he achieved what he wanted - and became one of the biggest successes of the century. Instead of quitting, he used failures to his advantage and built on the numerous failures he had encountered. 
Do Not Quit. This mindset helps people endure failures while keeping sight of the ultimate goal. There aren't any failures that can stop a persistent mind. No wall is strong enough to hold a person with a mind focused on succeeding in life. Edison looked at failure as something he would surely and confidently overcome. To gain such confidence, let us examine this animal called “persistence.”
It is said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results. In math, one plus one is always equal to two. Expect the same results from the same equation. Persistence means ensuring success by changing strategy while in the middle of the game. Persistence means not giving up, as well as learning from your mistakes.
In the face of obstacles, choose persistence.  Persist even when things go wrong. Don't turn your back upon hitting an obstacle. Go over, under, around and through it, if you must. 
If possible, seek the support of like-minded friends. Friendship can keep your faith alive long after your energy and hope have been worn away. Meet friends who will push you and remind you that failure is the opposite of success. Going beyond this definition, failure can be interpreted as an impending sign of success. Stay close to friends who view failure as success in disguise. Hold on to friends who will celebrate every failure, knowing how close you are to getting what you aim for.
Finally, “Never, ever, ever, ever, quit!” If you feel like giving up, look at that single light bulb and remember Thomas A. Edison.  
written by: solve your


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